What is HypnoBirthing®? "The Mongan Method"


Birth Doula Training

2013 Birth Doula Workshop Schedule

The Mongan Method

Birth Videos

Birth Resources


Hypnosis is a naturally induced state of relaxed concentration - a state of mind and body in which we communicate suggestions to our subconscious mind. This part of our mind influences what we think, how we feel, and the choices we make. Self-hypnosis requires a commitment to practice techniques which will allow your body to conserve energy and birth your baby as nature intended.

HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method is one of the fastest growing new approaches to childbirth preparation. Many satisfied couples attest to the benefits of using the class materials and techniques throughout pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum. Doula Birth Partners of Los Angeles is proudly affiliated with the HypnoBirthing Institute.

HypnoBirthing® Schedule 2013
June 27 – July 25 (Thursdays 7-9:30pm - Torrance)
August 18 – Sept 15 (Sundays 5-7:30pm - Torrance)
October 22 – November 19 (Tuesdays 7-9:30pm - Torrance)

The class facilitates self-hypnosis while participating with other expectant couples. Early registration is recommended as class size is limited. The fee for this class is $350 per couple. To register please call 310-293-8464 or go to SouthBayBreastFeedingSupport.com.

Fee includes Hypnobirthing book by Marie Mongan, 2 CD's and class folder.

Private in-home sessions are also available. Contact ellieshea@doulabirthpartners.com or 310-293-8464.

Interested in becoming a Certified HypnoBirthing Instructor?

HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Training

San Mateo, CA
July 25 – 28, 2013
For more information or to register:


© 2011 Doula Birth Partners of Los Angeles